Happy Monday, y’all! It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog. It has been a busy July and I’ve covered a lot ground, made some great memories, met a lot of new friends on the road, and seen some faces that have been making my life better since my early days in gospel music.
I’ve traveled all over the state of Georgia this month. I’m a Georgia boy, so it’s been so nice to be home, and visit with a lot of my friends and family.
I’ve worked/sang at many churches this month, but I wanted to share a funny story with you that ended up teaching me a lot about life and what sacrifices you make when you’re in ministry.
Sunday, July 23rd, I sang at a little country church in Axson, GA and it turned out to be quite the adventure. When I’m on the road, I always do my best to arrive at least 2 hours early just to ensure I have plenty of time to make sure everything is “right” and I can give everyone who shows up 110%. That was my plan while headed out to Axson, but as weird as it sounds God was testing my faith and attitude towards a situation.
I was about a mile from arriving at the venue, when my GPS lead me down a dirt road. The dirt road wasn’t an issue for me, (I’ve traveled dirt roads for as long as I can remember 😂) the issue was the rain that had turned the dirt road into a muddy slip and slide. I turned down the road in hopes I could stay to one side and get through the “muddiest” part….my hopes were not enough. I didn’t make it 1/10 of a mile down the road before my tires were spinning and I was “stuck.” I called the pastor several times and his phone kept going to voicemail, Josh was in the passenger seat trying to get a hold of a representative at AAA, all while losing time. It was 4:30 at this point, we couldn’t get a hold of anyone, and the service began at 6:00PM. About that time, the pastor calls me and I explain my situation and he says, “stay put. I’ve got a crew of folks coming to help you out.” Instantly, I began to laugh and let go of my fear. Fear wasn’t going to fix my situation to begin with. In life, I feel we all get “stuck” from time to time and we’re not sure which route to take. We pray and God for direction, but even then, our path doesn’t seem clear….and other times I believe, God will allow us to get “stuck” with no where to go, so we have no other option but to be quiet and listen to HIM. God is all knowing…..he knew I’d get stuck a mile away from my “destination” before I left the hotel. He knew I would let fear and anxiety try to take control and ruin the rest of my day, because I’m human….just like anyone else who may read this. But, I knew all along I would be taken care of, because I always am. He’s never left me stranded a day in my life, even when I’ve been “stuck.” Whatever is weighing you down today, give it to him. Reach out your hand and let him pull you from the mud.
God himself didn’t pull me from the mud, but he sent a few of his people. Minutes after talking to the pastor, so many folks came to my “rescue.” Within 15-20 minutes I was out of that mud and back on the road headed to the church. I couldn’t help but think how blessed I was to have only been “stuck” for such a short period of time. You never know who God is going to use to help you in your time of need. Be ready in season and out of season. The days we have left are few….I wanna do all I can to make a difference in someone’s life. Life can be tough even on our good days, without any “added” complications. God may test you, just to see how you’ll react in times of trouble. I wanna be found faithful and true when it’s all said and done.
I wanna sing songs of hope and encouragement to as many folks as I can for as long as I can. I have to walk in faith knowing I’m doing what God has called me to do, and these little roadblocks are nothing compared to what all God has in store for me. We have to make a conscious effort on a daily basis to let our faith outweigh our fear. At the end of the day, know God has you in the palm of his hand and he cares for you. If he makes sure the little birds of the air are taken care of, imagine how valuable YOU are to him.
Y’all, be kind to someone, help somebody if you can, tell someone about Jesus, and tell an old friend you’re thankful for them and you love them. We’re all in this together.
P.S. - The pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist and his members went above and beyond to see we were taken care of. They truly were the hands and feet of Jesus. I also met the most precious 97 year old gentleman who encouraged me more than he'll ever know. His name was Harold Vickers and he sang "How Great Thou Art" with more anointing and conviction than I've ever heard it. Listen to it by clicking the link below. 👇🏼